5月28日 马啸副研究员学术报告(数学与统计学院)


报 告 人:马啸 特任副研究员

报告题目:Random semi-horseshoe for partially hyperbolic systems driven by an external force

报告时间:2023年5月28日(周日) 下午16:00-16:40




     马啸,中国科学技术大学特任副研究员,博士毕业于英国拉夫堡大学,研究领域为动力系统与遍历理论。在Journal of Differential Equations等国际知名刊物发表多篇论文,承担国家自然基金委青年基金、参与国家自然基金委重大项目等。


     In this talk, we consider the symbolic representation of systems driven by an invert- ible measurable mapping on a measurable space. We prove that when such a system possesses an equicontinuous uniformly expanding subbundle, then it has a subsystem of its iterations randomly semi-conjugating to the full shift on two symbols. Examples such as random perturbation of partially hyperbolic systems, random composition of partially hyperbolic automorphisms on 3-d tori with a fixed central direction, and fiber partially hyperbolic maps on 3-d tori without stable subbundles are under consideration. This is a joint work with Wen Huang and Xue Liu.
